

2024-05-27 / 0 评论 / 0 点赞 / 19 阅读 / 8614 字



自行下载地址:Tree for Windows (sourceforge.net)



$ tree -L 4 -I node_modules
|-- README.md
|-- babel.config.js
|-- lint-staged.config.js
|-- package.json
|-- pnpm-lock.yaml
|-- public
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   `-- index.html
|-- src
|   |-- App.vue
|   |-- assets
|   |   `-- logo.png
|   |-- components
|   |   `-- HelloWorld.vue
|   |-- main.ts
|   |-- router
|   |   `-- index.ts
|   |-- shims-vue.d.ts
|   |-- store
|   |   `-- index.ts
|   `-- views
|       |-- AboutView.vue
|       `-- HomeView.vue
|-- tsconfig.json
`-- vue.config.js

7 directories, 18 files




tree  [-adfghilnopqrstuvxACDFNS]  [-L  level  [-R]]  [-H

       baseHREF]  [-T title] [-o filename] [--nolinks] [-P pat-

       tern] [-I pattern]  [--inodes]  [--device]  [--noreport]

       [--dirsfirst]   [--version]   [--help]  [--filelimit  #]

       [directory ...]


	   --help Outputs a verbose usage listing.

              Outputs the version of tree.

       -a     All  files are printed.  By default tree does not
              print hidden files (those beginning  with  a  dot
              `.').   In no event does tree print the file sys-
              tem constructs `.' (current directory)  and  `..'
              (previous directory).

       -d     List directories only.

       -f     Prints the full path prefix for each file.

       -i     Makes  tree not print the indentation lines, use-
              ful when used in conjunction with the -f  option.

       -l     Follows  symbolic links if they point to directo-
              ries, as if they were directories. Symbolic links
              that  will  result  in recursion are avoided when

       -x     Stay on the current file-system only.   Ala  find

       -P pattern
              List  only  those  files that match the wild-card
              pattern.  Note: you must use  the  -a  option  to
              also  consider  those  files beginning with a dot
              `.' for matching.  Valid wildcard  operators  are
              `*'  (any zero or more characters), `?' (any sin-
              gle character),  `[...]'  (any  single  character
              listed  between  brackets  (optional - (dash) for
              character range may  be  used:  ex:  [A-Z]),  and
              `[^...]'  (any  single  character  not  listed in
              brackets) and `|' separates alternate patterns.

       -I pattern
              Do not list those files that match the  wild-card

              Omits  printing  of the file and directory report
              at the end of the tree listing.

       -p     Print the file type and permissions for each file
              (as per ls -l).

       -s     Print  the  size of each file in bytes along with
              the name.

       -h     Print the size of each file but in a  more  human
              readable  way,  e.g.  appending a size letter for
              kilobytes  (K),  megabytes  (M),  gigabytes  (G),
              terrabytes (T), petabytes (P) and exabytes (E).

       -u     Print  the  username,  or UID # if no username is
              available, of the file.

       -g     Print the group name, or GID # if no  group  name
              is available, of the file.

       -D     Print  the date of the last modification time for
              the file listed.

              Prints the inode number of the file or directory

              Prints the device number to  which  the  file  or
              directory belongs

       -F     Append  a  `/'  for directories, a `=' for socket
              files, a `*' for executable files and a  `|'  for
              FIFO's, as per ls -F

       -q     Print  non-printable  characters  in filenames as
              question  marks  instead  of  the  default  caret

       -N     Print  non-printable  characters as is instead of
              the default caret notation.

       -v     Sort the output by version.

       -r     Sort the output in reverse alphabetic order.

       -t     Sort the output by last modification time instead
              of alphabetically.

              List directories before files.

       -n     Turn  colorization off always, over-ridden by the
              -C option.

       -C     Turn colorization on always, using built-in color
              defaults if the LS_COLORS environment variable is
              not set.  Useful to colorize output to a pipe.

       -A     Turn on ANSI line graphics hack when printing the
              indentation lines.

       -S     Turn  on  ASCII  line graphics (useful when using
              linux console mode fonts).  This  option  is  now
              equivalent to `--charset=IBM437' and will eventu-
              ally be depreciated.

       -L level
              Max display depth of the directory tree.

       --filelimit #
              Do not descend directories that contain more than
              # entries.

       -R     Recursively cross down the tree each level direc-
              tories (see -L option), and at each of them  exe-
              cute  tree again adding `-o 00Tree.html' as a new

       -H baseHREF
              Turn on HTML output, including  HTTP  references.
              Useful  for  ftp  sites.  baseHREF gives the base
              ftp location when using HTML output. That is, the
              local  directory  may be `/local/ftp/pub', but it
              must be referenced  as  `ftp://hostname.organiza-
              tion.domain/pub' (baseHREF should be `ftp://host-
              name.organization.domain'). Hint: don't use  ANSI
              lines  with this option, and don't give more than
              one directory in the directory list. If you  wish
              to  use  colors  via  CCS  stylesheet, use the -C
              option in addition to this option to force  color

       -T title
              Sets  the title and H1 header string in HTML out-
              put mode.

       --charset charset
              Set the character set to use when outputting HTML
              and for line drawing.

              Turns off hyperlinks in HTML output.

       -o filename
              Send output to filename.



$ tree -L 4 -I 'node_modules|dist' -C
|-- README.md
|-- babel.config.js
|-- lint-staged.config.js
|-- package.json
|-- pnpm-lock.yaml
|-- public
|   |-- favicon.ico
|   `-- index.html
|-- src
|   |-- App.vue
|   |-- assets
|   |   `-- logo.png
|   |-- components
|   |   `-- HelloWorld.vue
|   |-- main.ts
|   |-- router
|   |   `-- index.ts
|   |-- shims-vue.d.ts
|   |-- store
|   |   `-- index.ts
|   `-- views
|       |-- AboutView.vue
|       `-- HomeView.vue
|-- tsconfig.json
`-- vue.config.js

7 directories, 18 files


$ tree -L 4 -I 'node_modules|dist' -d
|-- public
`-- src
    |-- assets
    |-- components
    |-- router
    |-- store
    `-- views


/e/11047/Workplace/Code/java-vue-tomcat-example/vue-code (master)
$ tree -L 3 -d -I 'target' ../java-code/
`-- src
    |-- main
    |   |-- java
    |   `-- resources
    `-- test
        `-- java

6 directories

